Monceau is a chronicle of lessons in rediscovering overlooked values.
Monceau's chronicle begins from an anonymous heap.
Dried petals, fallen leaves, fruit peels - these often go overlooked, accumulating in layered heaps due to their ambiguous roles.
Yet, these originally have delightful scents.
Unearthed from the realm of the commonplace, hidden treasures rekindle their intrinsic worth. From the invigorating embrace of eucalyptus to woods that echo ancient forests like sacred sandalwood, and the embracing warmth of the opulent rock rose. When met with true understanding, they cease to be a mere heap of existence.
We bestowed names upon the once-forgotten. Fragrances, reborn through the rediscovery of their worth. They now embody the most crystal-clear, pure, and delightful scents. Monceau represents Siita’s endeavor to cast fresh illumination upon the values that lingered in obscurity and serves as a testament to our unwavering commitment to leave nothing behind in this world.
At the tip of your nose, the tingling spice meets the serene and delicate woods, unfurling an experience unseen. Slowly, the oriental essence subtly emerges, gently enveloped by the tangy fruity notes, coaxing forth the hidden sensations within.
The Monceau hand cream is the world’s first product to compose its scents with 100% upcycled fragrance ingredients. Eucalyptus, rose, agarwood, cedarwood, and labdanum, once underappreciated and ignored, now serve as vital reminders of overlooked values through Monceau.
The world’s first fragrance ingredients liposome technology that SIITA exclusively developed maximizes scent and inspiration while minimizing the consumption of raw ingredients and energy.
Products at SIITA are a trace of values SIITA wishes to leave behind. All of SIITA’s products will completely decompose after serving their intended purposes.
All ingredients are vegan, and no chemical experiments on animals have been conducted.
By simply purchasing this product, you will automatically become a part of Siita's world-changing sponsorship projects.
Learn moreThis product is the world's first zero-waste product of its kind, ensuring it won't become waste as it will be entirely decomposed. SIITA, as the sole enterprise capable of plastic decomposition, is dedicated to the goal of ensuring that no commodities are passed on to future generations.
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상품 준비 중 부터는 취소나 교환 건은 도와드리기 어려울 수 있습니다.
반품 요청시 자동으로 회수처리 요청되며 고객변심 반품 요청의 경우 배송비가 추가됩니다.
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배송에 문제가 있을때 택배사가 아닌 시타 CS센터로 문의주시면 빠른 처리 도와드릴 수 있습니다.
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아침,저녁 모두 사용 가능합니다. 세안 직후 사용을 추천드리며 스킨케어 단계에서 적당량을 덜어 부드럽게 펴 발라줍니다.
지성 피부가 사용해도 괜찮나요?
시타의 성분들은 지성피부 포함 복합성 피부에 도움을 줄 수 있는 자극완화 성분으로 구성된 제품입니다. 평소 예민한 피부라면 사용 전 얼굴 외 부위에 소량을 발라 테스트 후 피부 사용을 권해드립니다.
임산부가 사용이 가능한가요?
시타의 데일리 포뮬러 크림은 임산부 대상 임상시험을 통해 임산부와 같은 민감한 피부에도 적합한 무자극성 제품으로 평가되었습니다. 단, 임신중에는 호르몬 변화로 평소보다 피부가 민감하므로 사용 전 얼굴 외 부위에 소량을 발라 테스트 후 피부 사용을 권해드립니다.